
Basic Troubleshooting#

In the event of an application-breaking bug, reload the page - it may have been a temporary bug. A second step (if needed) is a cleared-cache reload of the page (Ctrl+F5 in browsers on Windows. Shift+Cmd+R in Firefox/Chrome on Mac - see here for more options, including Safari). Clearing the cache and reloading helps particularly if a new version of the application has been deployed, but the browser is still holding onto part of the old version - the application attempts to clear out older versions, but occasionally there could be bugs.

If those do not work, try closing the tab and reopening the application from the home page, as opposed to the page the user was initially on. If a model run has some kind of bad data associated with it, for example, then loading that model run may fail even if the rest of the application works correctly.

Finally, if you encounter bugs or have other questions, please reach out on GitHub to file an issue. If you would like to ask a question about the application, you can start a discussion on GitHub as well. If you need to get in touch with the development team otherwise, please use this form.

Bug reports will help the development team to identify, fix, and avoid issues in the future. The development team maintains logging information in the application that should capture most errors, but the including the following information in issues filed on GitHub or via email will help in diagnosing the problem:

  1. The action taken in the application

  2. The expected result of the action

  3. The actual result

  4. The full page URL

  5. And if possible the approximate time the action was attempted (this will facilitate

    looking for any data in the logging system - it only logs errors inside the application and not anything else)

Diagnosing infeasible model runs#